Slide Presentation

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Dr. Eric P. Prostko
Extension Weed Specialist
The University of Georgia
Tifton, GA

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 4.3 MB)

  1. Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Pigweed Control Gone: An Update on ALS-Resistance
  2. Pigweed Problems in 2005
  3. 6" Pigweed Treated with 4X Rate of Cadre - Grady County (20 DAT)
  4. Causes of Herbicide Failures
  5. ALS-Resistance Around the World
  6. Herbicide Resistant Weeds By Mode of Action
  7. Commonly Used ALS Herbicides
  8. Herbicide Resistance in Georgia
  9. Other Counties in Georgia with Documented ALS-Resistant Palmer Amaranth
  10. 2005 ALS-Resistant Pigweed Survey
  11. If ALS-Resistance is Suspected
  12. Do you need Gramoxone?
  13. Postemergence Herbicide Applications: Timeliness is the Key!!!!
  14. Palmer Amaranth Control with Blazer Applied at Different Timings
  15. Am I worried about ALS-Resistant Pigweed in Peanuts?
  16. More Information About Herbicide Resistance

  1. “Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Pigweed Control Gone” (An Update on ALS-Resistance) Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist Department of Crop & Soil Sciences The University of Georgia Tifton GCPA - 2005
  2. Pigweed Problems in 2005
  3. 6” Pigweed Treated with 4X Rate of Cadre - Grady County (20 DAT)
  4. Causes of Herbicide Failures weed size** moisture temperature humidity rate nozzle type GPA calibration bad luck herbicide resistance All possible reasons for poor performance should be investigated before considering the possibility of resistance!!!
  5. ALS-Resistance Around the World 93 species have developed resistance world-wide 36 species in U.S. Why? very popular low use rates environment friendly single sites of action major MOA development in late 1980’s early 1990’s
  6. Herbicide Resistant Weeds By Mode of Action
  7. Commonly Used ALS Herbicides Accent Ally Beacon Cadre Classic Envoke Exceed Express Finesse FirstRate Harmony Extra Osprey Peak Permit/Sandea Pursuit Python Scepter Staple Strongarm
  8. Herbicide Resistance in Georgia
  9. Other Counties in Georgia with Documented ALS-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Tested by BASF in 2005 Colquitt Cook Mitchell 166 locations were also sampled by UGA weed scientists in 2005 ALS and glyphosate * * *
  10. 2005 ALS-Resistant Pigweed Survey 61 samples, 21 counties
  11. If ALS-Resistance is Suspected Prowl or Sonalan What about DNA-resistance? Cautious use of …… Classic Cadre Pursuit Strongarm Consider adding….. Valor Dual Magnum Outlook Don’t be afraid of Gramoxone Ultra Blazer or Cobra Tank-mix with Cadre
  12. Do you need Gramoxone? PE-08-05 July 20, 2005 (79 DAP) Attapulgus Untreated (1471 lbs/A) Gramoxone Max @ 8 ozs/A + Pledge @ 8 ozs/A + NIS @ 0.25% v/v (15 DAP) Fb Cadre @ 1 oz/A + COC @ 1% v/v (31 DAP) (2736 lbs/A) Cadre @ 1 oz/A + COC @ 1% v/v (31 DAP) (2235 lbs/A)
  13. Postemergence Herbicide Applications Timeliness is the Key!!!!
  14. Palmer Amaranth Control with Blazer Applied at Different Timings Source: Mayo et al., 1995 Weed Technology 9:141-147
  15. Am I worried about ALS-Resistant Pigweed in Peanuts? The problem is real! It is more widespread than we would like to think. We have plenty of tools but …. We have to use them. Increased production costs
  16. More Information About Herbicide Resistance UGA Weed Science Web-Site * International Survey of Resistant Weeds *