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Culpepper and Langston
University of Georgia

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  1. Methyl Bromide Alternatives To Manage Nutsedge
  2. Methyl Bromide Alternatives
  3. Fumigant Alternatives
  4. 2001 Spring Pepper Trial. Lewis Taylor Farms.
  5. Equipment
  6. Equipment
  7. Yellow Nutsedge Response to Fumigants in Pepper. Lewis Taylor Farm. 2001.
  8. 2001 Results
  9. 2002 Spring Tomato Trial. Meeks Farms, Coffee County.
  10. Yellow Nutsedge Response to Fumigants in Tomato. Coffee County. 2002.
  11. 2001 Results
  12. Non-treated vs C-35 Broadcast vs C-35 in Bed
  13. 2002 Fall Pepper Trial. TyTy, GA.
  14. Nutsedge Response to Fumigants in Pepper. 33 d After Fumigating. TyTy, 2002.
  15. Nutsedge Response to Fumigants in Pepper. 81 d After Fumigating. TyTy, 2002.
  16. 2001 Results. 2002 Spring Results. 2002 Fall Results
  17. Nutsedge Response to Fumigants. TyTy, GA. Fall 2002.
  18. Nutsedge Response to Fumigants. TyTy, GA. Fall 2002.
  19. Soil Properties and Application Method Will Play A Crucial Role
  20. Acceptable LONG-TERM Methyl Bromide Alternatives will likely Require Herbicide Input
  21. Two herbicide options in tomato: Tillam and Sandea
  22. Sandea - Tomato (Section 3 Label Soon)
  23. Tomato and Nutsedge Response to Sandea Applied Topically. TyTy, 2002.
  24. Sandea - tomato (Section 3 Label Soon)
  25. Pepper and eggplant is a different story
  26. Non-treated vs Sandea applied under plastic
  27. Pepper Yields with Sandea Applied Under Plastic. Jumbo - Total Yield.
  28. Pepper and Eggplant
  29. Equipment
  30. Equipment
  31. Nutsedge Response to Fumigant/Herbicide Combinations in Pepper.
  32. Methyl Bromide Critical Use Exemption

  1. Methyl Bromide Alternatives To Manage Nutsedge Culpepper and Langston GFVGA Annual Meeting
  2. Methyl Bromide Alternatives Focus: PEPPER, eggplant, tomato Fumigants Herbicides
  3. Fumigant Alternatives Telone II Chloropicrin Telone C-35 Vapam, Sectagon K-PAM Various Combinations
  4. 2001 Spring Pepper Trial. Lewis Taylor Farms. 1. Bromide (300 lb/A) 2. Telone C-35 (20 GPA) 3. Telone C-35 (35 GPA) 4. Vapam (37 GPA) Vapam (75 GPA) Vapam (25 GPA) + C-35 (10 GPA) Vapam (37 GAP) + C-35 (20 GPA) Non-treated *All rates applied broadcast per acre.
  5. Telone/chloropicrin Vapam tank nitrogen pressure source Telone/chloropicrin injection knives pto driven rototiller
  6. Telone/chloropicrin injection knives rototiller blades nozzles for Vapam
  7. Yellow Nutsedge Response to Fumigants in Pepper. Lewis Taylor Farm. 2001. # of plants/ydsq none MB (300 lb) C35 (20 G) C35 (35 G) MS (37 G) MS (75 G) C35 (10 G) + MS (25 G) C35 (20 G) + MS (37 G) MB = bromide, MS = metam sodium, Pic = chloropicrin. LSD = 1.8; data pooled over herbicide treatments.
  8. 2001 Results Bromide (300 lb/A) Co-Application of C-35 + Vapam Telone C-35 *All rates applied broadcast per acre.
  9. 2002 Spring Tomato Trial. Meeks Farms, Coffee County*. Bromide (375 lb/A) Chloropicrin (282 lb/A) Telone II (10 GPA) followed by chloropicrin (150 lb) Vapam (56 GPA) Vapam (75 GPA) Telone C-35 (18 GPA) Telone C-35 (36 GPA) Telone C-35 (18 GPA) + Vapam (37 GPA) Telone C-35 (18 GPA) + Vapam (56 GPA) Non-treated *All rates applied broadcast per acre.
  10. Yellow Nutsedge Response to Fumigants in Tomato. Coffee County. 2002. # of plants/ydsq none MB (375 lb) C35 (18 G) C35 (36 G) MS (56 G) MS (75 G) C35 (10 G) + MS (37 G) C35 (20 G) + MS (56 G) LSD = 0.99. MB = bromide, MS = metam sodium, Pic = chloropicrin. T2 (10 G) fb Pic (150) Pic (282 lb)
  11. 2001 Results Bromide (300 lb/A) Co-Application of C-35 + Vapam Telone C-35 *All rates applied broadcast per acre. 2002 Spring Results Bromide (375 lb/A) Chloropicrin or Telone II fb chloropicrin Telone C-35 (high rate)
  12. Non-treated C-35 Broadcast C-35 In Bed 25 GPA 35 GPA Photos taken from Florida Field Day. Bill Stall, 2000.
  13. 2002 Fall Pepper Trial. TyTy, GA*. Bromide (300 lb/A) in bed Telone II broadcast (12 GPA) followed by chloropicrin (150 lb/A) in bed 1 wk later Telone II prebed (12 GPA) followed by chloropicrin (150 lb/A) in bed Telone C-35 (35 GPA) in bed Telone C-35 (35 GPA) prebed Telone C-35 (35 GPA) prebed fb chloropicrin (150 lb/A) in bed Telone C-35 (18 GPA) + K-PAM (46 GPA) prebed *All rates applied broadcast per acre.
  14. Nutsedge Response to Fumigants in Pepper. 33 d After Fumigating. TyTy, 2002.* # of plants/ydsq none MB (300 lb) C35 (35 G) in bed C35 + KPAM LSD = 0.76. MB = bromide, BC = broadcast, C35 = Telone C35, Pic = chloropicrin. T2 prebed fb pic C35 (35 G) prebed T2 BC fb pic C35 fb pic
  15. Nutsedge Response to Fumigants in Pepper. 81 d After Fumigating. TyTy, 2002.* # of plants/ydsq none MB (300 lb) C35 (35 G) in bed C35 + KPAM LSD = 2.5 MB = bromide, BC = broadcast, C35 = Telone C35, Pic = chloropicrin. T2 prebed fb pic C35 (35 G) prebed T2 BC fb pic C35 fb pic
  16. 2001 Results Bromide (300 lb/A) Co-application of C-35 + Vapam Telone C35 2002 Spring Results Bromide (375 lb/A) Chloropicrin or Telone II fb chloropicrin Telone C-35 (high rate) 2002 Fall Results Bromide (300 lb/A) Telone C-35 prebed fb chloropicrin Telone C-35 in bed Telone II broadcast fb chloropicrin
  17. Non-treated Telone II fb Chloropicrin Nutsedge Response to Fumigants. TyTy, GA. Fall 2002.
  18. Nutsedge Response to Fumigants. TyTy, GA. Fall 2002. Telone C-35 Prebed Telone C-35 + K-PAM
  19. Soil Properties and Application Method Will Play A Crucial Role Picture provided by Tony Weiss, Dow Agro.
  20. Acceptable LONG-TERM Methyl Bromide Alternatives will likely Require Herbicide Input
  21. Two herbicide options in tomato 1. Tillam 2. Sandea
  22. Sandea - Tomato (Section 3 Label Soon)* 0.5 to 0.75 oz following final bed shaping and just prior to laying plastic. Do not transplant for at least 7 d after treatment. 0.5 to 0.75 oz POST no sooner than 14 d after transplant. Directed application suggested.
  23. Tomato and Nutsedge Response to Sandea Applied Topically. TyTy, 2002. Sandea 0.67 oz/A POST Non-treated
  24. Sandea - tomato (Section 3 Label Soon)* 5 trials conducted in GA during 2000, 2001, 2002. No visual injury No maturity effect No yield effect No grade effect Cooperative work with Joel Hudgins, Decatur County.
  25. Sandea (0.5 oz/A) topical Non-treated Pepper and eggplant is a different story.
  26. Non-treated Sandea (0.5 oz/A) applied under plastic
  27. Pepper Yields with Sandea Applied Under Plastic. Jumbo - Total Yield. box/A Lewis Taylor Farms, Tifton, 2001.
  28. Pepper and Eggplant Sandea for row middles* Otherwise, working on getting herbicides labeled *Label anticipated in the near future.
  29. Nutsedge Response to Fumigant/Herbicide Combinations in Pepper. 81 d After Fumigating. TyTy, 2002.* # of plants/ydsq none MB (300 lb) C35 in bed + herb LSD = 2.5 MB = bromide, BC = broadcast, C35 = Telone C35, Pic = chloropicrin. T2 prebed fb pic + herb C35 prebed + herb C35 fb pic + herb
  30. Methyl Bromide Critical Use Exemption