“Herbicides provide great control <BR>But… <BR>Herbicide reliance          herbicide resistance to multiple mechanisms of action”<BR>Cotton and Cover Crops <BR>Example of living mulch between cotton strips<BR> <BR>Palmer amaranth is currently resistant to 5 MOA <BR>Cover crops  <BR>alter soil environment + decrease light to soil surface <BR>Physical barrier + weed suppression <BR>Reduce exposure to herbicide (Wiggins et al. 2017, Hand et al. 2021) <BR>Herbicide more effective (Wallace et al. 2019) <BR>Low overall adoption <15%  <BR>Annual: terminated before cash crop  <BR> <BR>Perennial (living mulch): grows synchronously with cash crop <BR>Nitrogen release; cost saver (Hill et al. 2017) <BR>Potential tradeoffs <BR>